SQL Server migrating DB from 2008 to 2017
The scenario We have several databases running on SQL Server 2008 which needs to be decommissioned. The databases are a mixture of production, training and development. We have two destination servers which are SQL Server 2017, one for production and one for development. Each database is quite small around 10-20 GB.I am using Ola Hallengren’s […]
SQL Server account migrations
SQL Server accounts There are two types of ‘user’ accounts, an Active Directory (AD) and an internal account. Each account has a unique ID but the issue is if you need to create another internal user account although the username will be the same the ID will be different. Fixing internal accounts to work with […]
IBM’s Maximo SQL Server Table (Heap) Fragmentation
Maximo tables by default become fragmented as they are heaps IBM’s Maximo User Performance Where I work, we are running two sites with Maximo 7.6 and the users do not have an issue with the performance, most of the ‘power users’ love the system so when I criticise it I feel a bit out of […]
Maximo – Configuring RoboCopy to duplicate DocLinks to a second server
Intro IBM’s Maximo can be used to record maintenance on objects. We use it to track maintenance of items to ensure our sites are safe and fall within any nation-state regulation and our sites keep running. Like most process systems, it has a relational database and a text search engine, it uses the SQL Server […]
SQL Server – Using The Calendar Table
Calendar & Audit tables When I first heard about calendar tables I was intrigued. I built a calendar table to see if I could understand the hype about them but I could not see how I would ever use one until now. Calendar table I used Sean Smith’s Date Calendar script to build the calendar […]